Secret Ops: Ty's Revenge Page 4
Coming to Maggie’s door I knock lightly. A few minutes pass before she comes to the door. “Ty. Your back. Come on in. She’s sleeping right now, but I don’t think she would mind if you woke her.”
Walking in, Maggie’s apartment is just as small as mine. It has more of a homier feel to it. Mine is plain. I don’t bother to put anything personal in it. I never know how long I will be here, so why bother. Walking over to the sofa I see the little girl sound asleep. “How long has been sleeping?”
“Not long. I’m going to go get some coffee. Want some?”
“No, thank you.”
“If you need anything, I’ll be in the cafeteria.”
I nod once and Maggie leaves. Crouching down beside the couch so the little girl is at eye level with me I shake her. “Hey sweetie. I’m back.” I say gently. Her eyes pop open and she launches in my arms hugging me tight around the neck. “See I wasn’t gone that long.”
She smiles at me and it just about brings me to my knees. It’s amazing how this child can care about someone she barely knows. She pulls away a bit to look me in the eyes. “I didn’t think you were coming back.” She suddenly says.
I know I look surprised because she never spoke a damn word since she has been here. “I told you I would be back.” I push her hair behind her ears.
“I didn’t believe you, not really.” She says in a small voice.
“I will never lie to you.” I hug her again. I don’t know why, but the need to comfort this child at this moment is over whelming. “Can I ask you a question?” She shakes her head yes. Pulling her lips in a fine line. “What’s your name?”
“That’s a very pretty name.” She smiles again this time showing that she is missing her bottom two front teeth. I want to ask how she got in the damn jungle in the first place, but think better of it. Sylvia is better qualified in that department than I am. “Sara are you hungry? Maggie said you haven’t eaten anything. Would you like to go to the cafeteria with me?”
She shakes her head yes. I take her small hand leading her to the cafeteria. She isn’t talkative like other children, but it’s a start. Now that I know her name, Tango can do some digging and see why the hell this kid was in the damn jungle. The worst scenario would be, was that she was bought or sold and just got away from the fucked up people that would do something like that.
Entering the cafeteria I notice that there are a few people here. It’s not crowded by any means, but enough for a low hum of voices. Sara stops in her tracks pulling on my hand. “What is it Sara?”
“I don’t want to go in there.” She whispers.
I bend down so I am on her level. “Why.” She clams up shaking her head no. “How about we go grab something then we can go back to Maggie’s apartment and eat there. Is that okay?”
“Okay.” She says reluctantly.
I don’t know why she doesn’t want to go in. Then it dawns on me. There isn’t one single woman in here. Everywhere I look it’s my team mates. All men. She is scared of men. That doesn’t make sense either. If she is scared of men then why has she taken to me? “Sara. Why don’t you want to go in? Do these guys scare you?” She shakes her head yes. “Why do they scare you?” She doesn’t say a word. Her eyes water as if she is getting ready to start crying. So I let it drop. “Come on. Let’s get some pizza. Do you like pizza?”
“Yes.” Again she uses her small voice.
Taking her by the hand again, I lead her to buffet where there is a variety of pizza laid out. “What kind do you like?”
“That kind.” She points to a sausage and pepperoni pizza.
“That’s my favorite also.” I scoop up to huge slices and two bottles of soda. We head back toward Maggie’s apartment.
“Ty. What do you think you’re doing?” Maggie bellows.
I whip around looking at her like she has lost her mind. “Huh?” I ask.
“You can’t give a child soda. She will be bouncing off the walls.”
“She promised she wouldn’t.” I wink at Sara.
“Men what do you do with them?” Maggie mumbles to herself walking down the hall.
“Are you in trouble?” Sara asks.
“No. I’m not in trouble. Come on let’s eat.”
We go back to Maggie’s apartment settling down on the couch. Sara helps me get two plates down out of the cabinets for our pizza. Once we are settled on the couch I rummage through Maggie’s DVD collection. After showing Sara a few Disney DVD’s she finally decides on the Beauty and the Beast. We eat in silence while watching the movie. After we finish off our pizza Sara snuggles in close pulling my arm around her.
Maggie slips back in at some point. Sara and I had fallen asleep watching the movie. “Ty.” Maggie pokes me.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I guess I was more tired than I thought.” I say easing Sara to the side.
“Nonsense, no need to be sorry. Have you made any progress with her?”
“Yes. She is starting to talk to me. Her name is Sara.”
“That’s wonderful.”
“I would still like for Sylvia to talk to her though.”
“I’ll arrange for her to see Sylvia tomorrow.”
“Do you mind if she stays the night with you?” I know I have already asked too much from Maggie.
“Sure. What am I to tell her when she wake up in the morning?”
Chapter 5
“Let me know when she wakes up and I’ll come get her.”
“You know Ty. I think this will be good for you as well.”
“How so?”
“You would make a great father.”
I have no idea what to say to that. I never really thought about being a dad. Well not until Sara came along anyway. Easing myself off the couch, I place a blanket over Sara tucking her in for the night. Gently kissing the top of her head so I don’t wake her. I make my way to the door. “Good night Maggie.”
I walk back to my apartment. Thinking over what Maggie had said. Would I make a great father? What the hell am I thinking? I don’t have time to be a dad. Who would take care of Sara while I was on a mission? I sure as hell don’t trust anyone I don’t know with her. She wouldn’t be comfortable with a stranger. She just now started talking to me. No that will never do. I can’t leave her with just anyone. And I can’t take her with me. So what the hell am I going to do? I need to talk to Tango as soon as he arrives. We need to find Sara’s parents and fast.
Opening the door to my apartment, I make my way to the small cot I have as a bed. Laying across it without pulling the blanket over me. I close my eyes wondering how the hell I got myself in this situation. Maybe Tango is right maybe we need to call Cassie. The thought of that puts a pain in my chest. I can’t let Sara go into foster care. She would be devastated. The trust she put in me would be broken. She would never trust anyone again.
Rolling over to my side making my mind up to find her parents. And if there isn’t any than I will take her. No damn way am I going to let her go to foster care. Been there, done that. Not happening to Sara. If I have to quit the M36A I will. I won’t let her get parents like were shoved at me. No Sara will have a normal life. No matter what, she comes first. With my mind made up I allow myself to fall asleep.
I’m running shooting as I go. Bodies lying everywhere. Sara is there in the middle of all the chaos. I grab her hand pulling her to me. She is bloody and crying. I don’t know where the blood is coming from. I feel the rage build up inside me. I didn’t keep her safe. I broke my promise to her. This is all my fault. Holding her close to me soothing her as best as I can. All the while William is shooting at me. I take a bullet to the back. But I don’t let go of Sara. I will never let her go. She can’t protect herself.
“Ty. Man wake up. You’re dreaming.”
I suddenly reach out grabbing the person the voice belongs to. Sweat is sliding down my face and in my eyes. I know my eyes looks too wild right now. I feel too raw
at the moment. Vegas is staring me in the face. Not William. Not Sara she is safe with Maggie. Letting out a long breath I ease my grip on Vegas. Shit it happened again. What the hell is wrong with me? “Sorry man.” I say gruffly.
“Don’t worry about it. I heard you scream out. Maybe you need to talk to Sylvia.”
“I’m fine. It was just a dream. I’m good.” All of the M36A agents have had to talk to Sylvia at least once. She is our personal therapist. I rub the sleep out of my eyes.
Vegas doesn’t look convinced though. “It doesn’t hurt to at least see her. Doesn’t make you less of a man.”
“I said I was fine.” I snap.
“Okay man. If you say so.” Vegas throws up his hands backing up.
“Sorry man. Has Tango gotten back yet?” I change the subject. I need to forget the damn dream.
“Yeah he just got back. He sent me to get you.”
“I’ll be there in ten.” I grab my jeans and a t-shirt out of the dresser. Heading to the bathroom I leave Vegas standing there.
He has a worried look on his face. I’m not sure what that is about. Things may not have went according to plan while Tango was in the Amazon jungle. Hell it could be new developments on William. Whatever it is Vegas doesn’t look his cheerful self. Dressing quickly and brushing my teeth. Stepping back out to find Vegas is still here. I feel as if he wants to say something, but he doesn’t want to step over his boundary as a friend.
“Ready?” He clears his throat.
“You got something to say Vegas?” I ask pointedly.
I don’t have time to play guessing games. I make my way toward Tango’s office. Vegas follows. I don’t knock, walking in. “Good you’re here. I got a lead on William. Braxton didn’t lie. William and Vancard are meeting on the Vegas strip.”
“Tonight. I want you and Vegas on this. And before you say anything. I need both of you on this. I know you like doing things alone. But this may be our only chance to get these guys. Lazarus will be going also. He is your eyes as well.”
In other words, I’m going in blind. Just fucking great. “How many men do they have?” I need to know what I’m up against.
“That’s the thing. We don’t know yet. You took out Braxton’s men, or most of them anyway. Mostly all you have to worry about is Vancard and William’s guys. Braxton is supposed to meet them there as well. I want you all over this Ty. They are going to run once Braxton doesn’t show. I want you both there before they find out. We can’t let this slip through our hands again.”
“When do we leave?”
I turn walking out. I want to tell Sara that I have to leave. She isn’t going to like it. I just hope Maggie can take care of her until I get back.
“Wait up, Ty.” Vegas says running to catch up.
“What’s up?” I ask not breaking stride.
“There’s something I need to tell you. I should have told you sooner. I just didn’t want you to go all ape shit on Tango.”
This stops me in my tracks. “What?”
“He’s going to call Cassie as soon as we leave. I overheard him talking to Maggie.”
“What the fuck?” I turn walking back toward Tango’s office.
“Hold on man, before you go in there and turn his face inside out. You need to know Maggie refused to let him do that. She said it was your call. The little girl seems attached to you. You know like a father figure.”
Making my way back to Tango’s office I burst through the door. “You son of a bitch. If you call Cassie I’m through, I fucking quit.”
Tango looks up surprised. “How did you find out? Did Maggie tell you? It doesn’t matter Ty. She can’t stay here. How the hell are you going to take care of a child? Maggie has responsibilities as well as the rest of you. She can’t take care of her either.”
“Don’t fucking call Cassie.” I demand bitterly.
“What would you have me to do?”
“I’m warning you Tango.”
“Fine. But when you get back, you better have this thing figured out. Or I’m calling.”
“Find out who her parents are while I’m gone.” I grit out.
“You don’t think I tried. Not a fucking trace. I don’t even know the little girl’s name.”
“It’s Sara. I don’t have a last name yet. I didn’t have time to find out. Just don’t call Cassie.”
Walking out for the second time I know he’s right. I just can’t seem to let go. The little girl has no one and it seems as if she has adopted me for the time being. Walking up to Maggie’s door I knock lightly. “Ty. She’s up and asking where you are.”
“I know what Tango wants to do. Don’t let him. I have to go to Vegas. Can she stay with you until I get back? Then I’ll figure something out.”
“I was going to tell you Ty. Last night didn’t seem like the right time. Don’t worry I wasn’t and I’m not going to let him call Cassie. Like I said last night. She is attached to you. It would do her more harm than good if anyone took her away from you. Don’t worry she can stay until you get back.”
“Thank you, Maggie.”
Sara spots me at the door and comes running. “I missed you.” She whispers.
“Hey munchkin. I do have to go away for a few days. I’m sorry. I’ll be back soon. Miss Maggie will keep you company while I’m gone.”
“No.” She says crying in my chest and it breaks my heart.
“Remember I said I would take you to the Zoo? As soon as I get back we are going okay? It’s just a few more days. Do you still have that watch I gave you?”
“Yes.” She hold on tight to my neck.
“Good. Keep it safe for me.”
“I don’t want you to go.” She sniffles in my chest.
“Hey sweetie. I promise I will be back. I won’t leave you for long. Okay?”
“Don’t go.”
“Hey it’s okay. Ty will be back before you know it.” Vegas says getting down to eye level with Sara.
She shies away from Vegas. Burring her face in my chest. Making herself as small as possible. I shake my head at Vegas. Sara grips my shirt tighter. Vegas stands backing up. Hell none of us knows how to care for a child, except for Maggie.
“Sara honey, do you remember the bad guys that had you?” I know this isn’t the best time to bring this up and maybe I shouldn’t have said anything at all. But I need her to understand what I’m going to say next. She shakes her head yes. “Well I have to go get the bad guys and take them to the police.”
“No! Don’t go. They will hurt you like they did mommy and daddy. I don’t want the bad guys to hurt you.” She’s in full blown tears now.
Fuck! “Sara sweetie. No one is going to hurt me. But I really need to go get them so they can’t hurt anyone else. Oaky. Look at me,” I continue when she looks up at me, “I promise I will be back. I’ll call you as soon as I get there. Okay?”
“Okay.” She says rubbing her eyes with her tiny fists.
“Come here.” I hug her one more time.
“Promise you won’t go away like mommy and daddy.”
“I promise. I will come back.”
I stand up still holding her in my arms. This child needs to talk to Sylvia as soon as possible. Handing her to Maggie. “Call Sylvia.” I state. That’s all I need to say. Maggie knows exactly what I want her to do.
“Don’t worry Ty. She will be fine. Just hurry back.” Maggie nods.
I kiss Sara on the head before I leave Maggie’s apartment. Vegas falls in step beside me not saying a word for a moment. He looks just as heartbroken as I feel. “How is it possible?”
“What?” I ask confused.
“How can someone so little make such a huge impact?”
“I don’t know.” And honestly I really don’t.
“You and I both know that you won’t call Cassie.”
“I wasn’t planning on it.”
“I know you weren’t. I think
Tango knows too.”
I don’t comment. I have stated how I feel about this whole damn situation. I am starting to believe Sara’s parents are dead. I hope not, but the feeling keeps getting stronger and stronger. Heading to my apartment; I pack only the essentials I need in my backpack. Checking the time on my watch I set it for twenty four hours. That is the time frame I’m giving Lazarus and Vegas. I’m tired of chasing these bastards all over the world. I want to finally go to my home in Colorado Springs and forget about chasing people who dodge me at every turn. If it gets messy in Vegas then so be it. When I get my hands on William I’m going to hurt the guy badly.
I’m rattled by what Tango had planned to do while I was away. I can’t believe he was going to just hand Sara over to Cassie. I know the woman would make sure Sara had a good home to go to, but I don’t trust anyone. After I get William I’m going to take a fucking vacation. Maybe I can by Sara a dog. I bet she would like that. What the hell am I saying? Shaking my head I have no clue how to raise a child. I could ask my sister for help, but we haven’t talked in years. I’m not sure she would even want to talk to me. When we both went into foster care we were split up. Our parents were piss poor in taking care of us. They would leave me to take care of her when I was only ten years old and she was just five.
The last time I talked to Deanne was a few years ago. I finally found her after years of searching. She blamed me for the shit that happened to her. I know it wasn’t my fault hell I was a kid myself. I barely turned eighteen when my foster parents gave me the boot kicking my ass to the curb. I was eighteen and had no job. I was living on the streets until Tango found me. I was in the process of jacking his car. The man took me under his wing and gave me a job. I’ve been here ever since.
Shaking all the bad memories out of my head I walk to the private jet that will take us to Vegas. The guys are already there waiting on me. They seem as eager as I am to catch William and Vancard. We are all exhausted and need time off. You can see it in the men’s faces and I know I’m showing it as well. Boarding the jet I make my way to the seat in the back. Lazarus is relaxing in the seat across from me.