Secret Ops: Ty's Revenge Read online

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“That’s a great idea. We can draw pictures of all the animals and when Ty gets back he will take you to see them.” Dr. Bailey takes her hand helping her off the bed.

  “Hey. Did I hear something about going to the zoo?” Maggie asks walking in the room. The little girl wipes her nose on her hand shaking her head yes. Maggie takes the little girls hand leading her over to a desk. Dr. Bailey takes her coloring books setting them in front of her. Maggie and the girl starts coloring.

  “I’ll be back in three days. Don’t let Tango call Cassie.”

  “You got it. Don’t worry Ty. We will take care of her.”

  “I know you will.”

  “Take care.”

  I walk over to the little girl kissing her on top of the head. She looks up at me with watery eyes. “I’ll be back in three days. Can you do me a favor?” She shakes her head yes. “Will you keep this for me until I get back?” I hand her my pocket watch that my grandfather had given me. I know she will take care of it. She grasps it in her tiny hand holding it tight. “Maggie will take you to her house. Then when I get back I’ll come get you okay.” She starts crying again only this time she shakes her head yes. “I’ll see you soon.”

  Dr. Bailey walks out with me as I head toward my bunk gathering my belongings. “We will be leaving here in about thirty minutes. I’ll see that she is comfortable. Maggie and I will take good care of her.”

  “I know you will. See you soon.” I respond.

  Tango and the others will be leaving for the states as I make my way to Aruba. This time will be different though. This time I will be thinking about the little girl and how well she will adjust to her new surroundings. I hate leaving her so soon, but there is no other options. I need to get my head on straight. I grab my back pack along with the file and head to the chopper. I will study it on my flight there.

  Once I’m in the air I take the file flipping through the pages. It seems as if this guy Vancard is a piece of work. He is the biggest drug lord out there, besides William. He has men surrendering him at all times. It will be hard to get close to him. Fortunately I’m the best there is. It may take a little longer than three days to capture him though. I may have underestimated him before I knew what I was dealing with. I take a good look at his photo noticing every little detail. From his slick backed hair to the way he dresses. The man is about five foot eleven and one hundred and eighty pounds. His men are big, but they won’t be a problem.

  Braxton on the other hand might be a little difficult as before. He was supposed to have been killed by a cop over a traffic stop. Now though I wonder if the cop was actually one of Braxton’s men. I’m betting that he had staged his own death to go off radar. Whatever the case may be, I will bring them both back. I skim through the reports of the two men. They are living it up in Aruba trafficking in drugs. In the report it says they supply half the world. There are agencies all over the world trying to take them down. None have been successful.

  Braxton and Vancard have killed more men then I want to count and the number is climbing. I take the photo of Braxton out studying it. He hasn’t changed at all. He is still short as hell and his little beady eyes still say he holds a lot of secrets. Which I will find out. I will go after Braxton first. Take out the little guy first, pun intended. I chuckle to myself over that little joke. I will have to get Braxton away from Vancard though. They seem as thick as thieves. Surrounded by body guards and women. Looking over the last pages of the file it mentions a woman named Jessica. It doesn’t state a last name, which isn’t much to go on.

  It says she and Vancard have dated for a while. No specific amount of time is given. I’m sure though I will find out once I lure her to my side. I just need to come up with a plan. The file didn’t have a photo of Jessica, so I have no idea what she looks like. Finally reading all the files I set it aside closing my eyes. I’m tired as hell and just came off a mission. I was supposed to leave for this mission in the morning, but why delay the inevitable. It has to be done no matter what. The sooner I get these assholes back to Tango the better off the world will be.

  “Two minutes Ty.” I hear the pilot say over the headset.

  Two minutes until the jump. I must have slept the entire time. Stuffing the file in my back pack. I will destroy it once we land. Looking out over the ocean the scenery is magnificent. The beach is lined with tourist building sand castles and catching waves on their surf boards. My drop off point is coming up soon. The chopper will make one swing around the cove and I will make the jump. I hate jumping, but we can’t land. No one will be the wiser. The cover is that the pilot gives the tourist a ride to overlook the scenery from above.

  “Lazarus. We will meet back up in 96 hours.” I say to the pilot.

  “I thought it was 72 hours.”

  “I added a day. I have two men to bring back.”

  “This means I have to get my hands dirty?” Lazarus laughs.

  “Your lions will wait on you.” I chuckle. When Lazarus isn’t flying us all over the world he is in Nevada studying mountain Lions. Don’t ask me why, I’m guessing the man likes danger even when he isn’t chasing bad guys.

  “My babies are lonely.”

  “Right. They are probably just waiting for you to get back so they can eat you.”

  Lazarus gives a full belly laugh swinging the chopper around. “Alright Ty on the count of three. One. Two. Three.”

  I sit my head set on the seat beside me and take the jump with my back pack strapped securely to me. I land in the water below and swim to the rocks. There are no people allowed here just for the fact that it’s too dangerous to swim for the sharp rocks. I drag myself upon the rocks making my way to the shore. I Step in between two huge boulders taking my dry clothes out of my back pack and dressing quickly. Taking my wet cloths placing them in the bag, I make my way through the bushes and trees without being seen.

  I take my disposable phone making one quick call to HQ to confirm I’m in. Smashing the phone to pieces to make sure the number can’t be traced. I set my watch for ninety six hours. Lazarus makes one more loop around making sure I haven’t ran into any complications. I find a car parked on a dirt road as promised by Tango. Finding the keys under the fender I unlock the doors. I turn the engine over putting it in drive.

  My first plan is to find out where the hell Braxton is located. I go to the last know place he has been seen at. Which isn’t hard to find. I park a little ways down from the hotel. I can’t sit here long. I just need time to see his comings and goings, if he is still here. I don’t know how old the information is in the file, but Tango doesn’t do things half assed. So I can rely on it as it being very recent. Sure enough after twenty minutes I see him pull up in a limo getting out. Four men immediately surround him and scurries him inside quickly.

  I pull out on the street satisfied with knowing where he is at the moment. I park in a parking garage not far from the hotel. Making my way back down the street toward the hotel I notice that two of his men are standing outside. Not all of them had gone in as I had thought. I duck in a restaurant across from the hotel. Taking a window seat so I can watch for any signs of Braxton leaving.

  I order a cup of coffee sitting back I wait. This is the worst part of any mission. An hour or so has passed, when another limo pulls up to the hotel. This time Vancard emerges going straight inside. So Braxton and Vancard are having a meeting today. I have both of them in the same place. It would be so easy to walk in and take them both out, but Tango wants them alive. Finishing my coffee I make my way across the street. I was going to pick a different place to snag Braxton. But this is an opportunity I can’t pass up.

  “Hey man. Do you know where this place is located?” I ask one of the body guards, pointing to a spot on the map I took from the restaurant.

  “Do I look like a tourist guide? Fuck off?”

  “Come on man. My girlfriend would love to see this place. If you could point me in the right direction.”

  “Sure follow me.” The guys says leading me to a
back ally.

  The poor sap played right into my hands. He pulls out his gun, but I’m too quick. I disarm him breaking his neck. First rule is don’t let the bad guy live unless he is needed for questioning. I wait for ten minutes, right on cue the dead guys partner comes around the corner. Taking him by surprise I disarm him taking his gun. He swings at me. I duck tripping him in the process. This guy is a little tougher than the first. He gets to his feet straggling toward me. I punch him in the jaw knocking him down. Putting my knee in his back I twist his neck breaking it.

  Now that those two are out of the way, it’s time to take out the rest of them. Walking back around the corner I make my way inside. I spot three more just inside the hotel. Their backs are turned watching the elevator. This is going to be a little more difficult than the first two. I study them for a moment. Braxton and Vancard must be expected to come out of the elevator. I need to lure them away.

  “Hey kid.” I hiss at a local boy trying to sell maps.

  He runs over to me eager to make a sell. “Want to make a few bucks?”

  “Yes! Yes!”

  “See those three guys right there,” I point to the two men, “I’ll give you one hundred American dollars if you distract them for me.”

  The little boy eagerly shakes his head yes running in the direction of the three men. I wait for him to distract them before I make my move. He says something in his own language to the men. They shake their heads no. The little boys is persistent. I take that as my cue to get to the elevator. They don’t see me enter. I could have killed them, but that would have been messy. Especially in public.

  I don’t know what floor Vancard and Braxton are on. The obvious would be the top one. So I hit the number on the key pad and wait. A few minutes later the doors open and I step out. Looking up and down the hall I notice no one is about. That doesn’t really mean anything. Walking down the hall and around the corner I am awarded when I spot two vast men standing guard at the last room with double doors.

  I back up a bit going in the cleaning closet. Searching around I find an extra uniform. It doesn’t fit well, but I make it work. Coming back out I approach the men carefully. Keeping my head down with my hat pulled low I get as close as they will allow me.

  “You can’t be here.” They guy with a strange tattoo approaches.

  I don’t waste time in shoving the cartilage of his nose in his brain. Guy number two doesn’t get a chance to pull his gun. Throwing a punch in his face and taking out his knee doesn’t even phase him. He shakes his head working the kink out of his leg, lunging at me. It doesn’t do him any good. I was ready for that move. Side stepping him I punch him in the back of the head hearing bones crack. His eyes actually cross and he goes down hard. Blood seeps out of his nose and ears. Dragging the two dead men in the cleaning closet and making the sure the door is shut, I rush over to the closed double doors.

  I can hear voices inside. I’m not sure how many men are in there. Suddenly footsteps approach the door. I leap around the corner waiting for them to emerge. Vancard and his men leave quickly leaving Braxton still inside. I wait for them to board the elevator. This is my chance to grab Braxton. Once Vancard and his men are in the elevator and the doors close I knock on the door. A man about half my size answers.

  “Can’t you read? Do not disturb.” He points to the sign hanging on the door knob.

  I smile as if I didn’t understand a damn word he has said. I get a peek inside as the man once again repeats that I shouldn’t be disturbing them. I see Braxton and another man inside. So he has two guards inside with him. No problem at all. I grab the man snatching him out of the room closing the door in the process. If you were inside the room you would think that the guy walked out. I shove my fist in his mouth knocking out his teeth. He groans and tries to stand up. I drag him away from the door so no one can hear him.

  I once again use tactics breaking his neck. It is a hell of a lot less messy that way. These guys are piling up fast. I don’t think the closet can hold anymore. Once I have him taken care of I approach the double doors again. Opening the door I walk in. Braxton is standing in front of the window looking out over the beach.

  His man suddenly stands. “Who the hell are you?”

  Braxton turns quickly spotting me. His eyes grow as big as saucers. I kick his body guard in the chin breaking his jaw. He hits the floor grabbing his face. Snapping his neck I grab Braxton punching him in the face before he can make it to the door. He goes out like a light. Pulling some rope out of my backpack I tie his hands together searching him for any weapons. Finding a small hand gun I put it in my belt at my back. He was so scared he didn’t even think to pull his gun. Pulling the dead guy in the bedroom and closing the door I quickly make my way back to Braxton. Lifting him over my shoulder and placing him in a chair.

  Slapping his face to wake him up. A few minutes of this and he finally opens his eyes. “Hello sunshine.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Now, now is that anyway to talk to an old friend?”

  “You are a dead man.”

  “It’s time for a trip. I have someone who wants to see you.” I ignore his statement.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  “You will. You see you don’t have a choice in this matter.”

  “You won’t make it out of this hotel alive.”

  “How sure of that are you?” I laugh.

  “My men…”

  “Your men are dead.” I interrupt him.

  “I’m going to end you for this.”

  “This is how this thing are going to work. First I’m going to ask you some questions. Then you’re going to answer them. Honestly. If you don’t… You really don’t want to find out what I will do.” I inform him.

  “Fuck you. I won’t answer anything.”

  “Braxton. Are you sure you want to play this game?” I close the drapes to the window. Even though I know no one can see in. It’s out of habit. I’ve been with the secret ops for way to damn long to not be paranoid.

  “You know, you won’t get away with this.” He laughs.

  “I already have.” That shut him up.

  I walk back to the double doors making sure they are securely locked. I really don’t want to get messy here. But I will do whatever it takes to get the information I need. Braxton swallows hard. Sweat beads his brow and he is starting to look a little pale. He slipped through our hands before. Not this time.

  “What do you want?” He asks nervously.


  Chapter 3

  “I told you. I won’t answer anything.”

  “Your choice.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Where is Vancard?”

  “You’ll never get close enough.”


  He laughs shaking his head. I guess he really wants to play this game. I pull out my field knife. Checking the sharpness of the blade with my thumb. Tango didn’t say what condition to bring them back in. I really don’t want to do this. I want to go home and find out who the little girl is. I want to finally take a vacation. The more I think about the wasted time I’m going to spend here talking to this dipshit; the longer it will take me to get the hell out of this place. Just pisses me off even more.

  Walking over to Braxton I grab his hand holding it still. “Okay! Okay! I’ll talk.”


  “Just don’t. Okay?”

  “Where?” I ask again.

  “He is going to the states tonight. He’s supposed to be meeting the boss.”

  “Who’s his boss?”

  “That’s all I know.”

  I put my knife blade on his pinky. I hope this scares him enough to keep talking. I can feel him tremble. That’s good. I don’t want to do this, but it’s the only way to make him talk. This guy isn’t as bad ass as he wants everyone to believe. He is nothing without his men. “Braxton.” I warn.

  “His name is William. That’s all I know.”

; William? The same guy I have been after for a year? My so called best friend? “Where in the states are they meeting?”

  “Nevada. Please man don’t cut me.”

  I need to contact Lazarus. Pulling out my radio contacting Lazarus. “Meet in ten.”


  Untying Braxton from the chair I pull him to me by his shirt. “Listen very carefully. You and I are going to leave this hotel together. If you so much as cause a scene I will kill you. I won’t hesitate for a second. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” He nods his head quickly.

  I stick my revolver in his back as we make our way to the elevator. Making sure we aren’t followed. I press the button to the bottom floor. “Remember Braxton. I won’t hesitate.” I remind him in case he tries to get away.

  Luckily no one decides to take the elevator down with us. The damn ride down is taking too long. Checking the time on my watch, Lazarus will be at the pickup point in less than seven minutes. Once the elevator hits the bottom and the doors open we step out. Braxton is nervous as hell. I make it a point to shove the gun in his back just to remind what I will do if he tries anything.

  Stepping outside we head to the parking garage where I parked. The little boy that had helped me out earlier comes running toward me. “Mister! Mister!” He yells.

  I don’t slow. He falls in step with me. “Here.” I say reaching in my pocket handing him a hundred bucks.

  “Thank you! Thank you! Now my father won’t make me sell these,” he holds up the maps, “the rest of the day.” He laughs as he runs back toward the hotel.

  “You know once Vancard finds out, we both are dead men. He will kill us both.”

  “Shut up.” I shove him in the car once we get back to the garage. Tying his hands together.

  The drive to the pickup point isn’t long. Lazarus is there waiting. With my gun still in Braxton’s back we make our way across the beach. Braxton elbows me in the stomach, which I didn’t expect. I stumble back and he runs. He doesn’t get far. I give chase, but Lazarus tases the hell out of him. Braxton falls to the ground twitching. Snot and spittle comes out of his nose and mouth.