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- Kim Vanderpool
Secret Ops: Ty's Revenge
Secret Ops: Ty's Revenge Read online
I would like to say a big thanks to all my fans. For your advice and support. Thanks to my husband who has stood beside me.
This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance of actual persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Copyright © 2015 by Kim Vanderpool. All rights reserved including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 1
Fire, explosions and debris flying in all directions. I run for cover with gun fire nipping at my heels. I take a bullet to my right leg, but there’s no way I can slow down. If I do; I will be captured or killed. The guy I am supposed to take down is my best friend or he was at one point, not anymore. We worked for the same undercover operations for a hell of a long time. He was my best man at my wedding and he was there when my wife decided she had had enough and divorced me. Now I’m in the middle of a war zone trying desperately to capture William. He has been running drugs in and out of the country for a hell of a long time right under everyone’s nose. I was so damn close now it seems I’m right back at square one.
I find a small shed that hasn’t been blow to hell and take cover. I need to tie off my leg to stop the loss of blood. Ripping my shirt off I tie it around the gaping hole in my leg. I will have to dig the bullet out later. Right now I need to find a safe spot and report back to the boss. He isn’t going to be happy that this whole operation went to hell. At this point I’m not sure who I can trust. Someone had tipped off William, he knew we were coming and he was ready.
I ease around the corner of the shed making sure that I don’t get a bullet to the head and take a quick glance at my surroundings. It’s hard to see anything through the smoke and fire so I make a run for the wooded area. I’m not sure if it is even safe there, but it has to be better than sitting behind this shed waiting for them to blow it up as well. Bodies are lying everywhere I don’t stop to take notice who they are. Some are team mates and some are enemies. I can tell that much by the cloths they are wearing. I put the last of my ammo in my gun firing back. I don’t know if I actually hit my target or not it’s hard to tell while running. I cease fire once I get to the tree line. I check my watch. I have exactly twenty two minutes to get to the pickup point.
Seventy- two hours into this mission and still no damn sign of William. My sources had detailed information that led me here. Something isn’t right, if the information was correct he should have been making a huge deal right here. Now I have to wait another six months to a year to get this close again. I wait for several minutes before I make a move to go deeper in the woods. I need to head north to get to the pickup point. I usually do missions alone, but Tango decided at the last minute that I needed back up. I could have done a hell of a lot better if I didn’t have to worry about shooting a fellow team member.
Checking my watch again, I have nineteen minutes to get to the chopper. I already know the members of my team are well on their way to the pickup point. I was the last man to leave alive. I don’t radio, none of us do. We go silent once we are in hostile territory. I stick to the thickness of the woods making sure that I’m not followed or seen. I get a glimpse of a figure ahead. I know it isn’t one of my men. They are just as cautious as I am when in these situations. The figure is sitting on top a huge bolder overlooking the river below. I’m not sure at this point if it’s male or female. Twelve minutes to the pickup point and I don’t have time for interception. I make a wide detour around as quietly as possible. This will cost me time. I must have snapped a twig because the person turns around. She can’t be any older than seven years old. Tears stain her soft cheeks and her nose is red. What the hell is a child doing here in the middle of a damn war zone? I can still hear shit blowing up.
Suddenly I hear leaves shuffling and branches breaking. I make a last minute decision, this child doesn’t need to be here. I swiftly grab her throwing her over my shoulder and run like hell is on my heels. I don’t slow down. I have exactly two minutes to get to the chopper. Branches smack my face and the little girl doesn’t say a word. She doesn’t scream or cry. I can hear the chopper in the distance. I jump fallen trees and branches. I don’t want to be left here, no one would. One minute and I finally see the clearing. I only stop when I make it to the edge of the woods. Vegas and Marco are already there waiting.
“Shit.” Marco says.
I swiftly turn seeing at least four men maybe more heading our way. Opening fire Vegas and Marco cover me as I put the little girl behind a huge tree. “Stay put don’t move. I will come get you okay?”
The little girl nods her head hugging her knees. I take cover away from her. I don’t want them shooting at me while she is in the same proximity as I am. I return fire once I know she is safe or as safe as she can be. The chopper is closer now, but they won’t land as long as they are in a hot zone. We need to take these bastards out as soon as possible. I aim down the barrel of my gun hitting the man to my left in the head. Marco takes a bullet to the shoulder and Vegas takes out the other guy to his right. Two down, two to go. I shoot three more times before I hit the guy that shot Marco and Vegas finally takes out the last guy.
I feel weak as hell from the blood loss and Marco isn’t looking too good. His face has gone pale and I think the bullet lodged in his shoulder. Vegas helps me load Marco when the chopper lands.
I go back for the little girl who is still sitting where I had left her. “It’s okay. Come on.” I reach out my hand and she takes it. I throw her over my shoulder carrying her to the chopper.
Once we are safely inside I can relax a bit. Strapping the little girl in I tend to Marco. This is his first mission. I knew he wasn’t ready, I had told Tango this. “Damn Ty do you have to be so rough.”
“Stop whining.”
“Shut the fuck up.” He chuckles.
“Language man we have a kid aboard.” Vegas reminds Marco.
“Yeah where the hell did you find a kid, man?” Marco looks from the little girl to me. “She doesn’t look a thing like you.” He grits his teeth as I pull the bullet out of his shoulder.
“She was in the damn woods alone. She had been crying. I don’t know how she got there or why.”
“Tango won’t be happy.” Vegas says.
“I couldn’t leave her there man. She can’t be any older then at least seven.”
“What the hell are we going to do with her in the mean time?” Marco grounds out as I pour alcohol on his wound.
“I’m going find out who she is, then I will report to Tango and let him sort it out.”
“He isn’t going to be happy.” Vegas repeats.
I get Marco stitched up applying a bandage to his shoulder. Then start working on myself. Unwrapping the shirt that I have tied around my leg earlier I start removing the bullet. I have lost a lot of blood and I th
ink I may pass out before I get the bullet extracted. “Vegas man get over here.” I grit out.
Vegas moves to my side and starts applying pressure to the hole in my leg. Taking the bottle of alcohol I had used on Marco I pour it directly on the wound, then taking the tip of my knife blade I dig the bullet out. Once the bullet is out I stitch the wound and apply a bandage. Vegas helps me to sit in the seat next to the little girl. I feel myself drift in and out of sleep as we make our way across the sky to the base we have set up. The sound of the chopper blades are a soothing sound. Some people wouldn’t think so, but after being in and out of some tough shit, they are a welcome sound.
“Ty man, wake up.” Vegas shakes me.
My eyes instantly pop open. I pear out of the opening of the chopper and notice that we have arrived at the base. I look over at the little girl next to me, she is still sound asleep. We land smoothly as always and a few men come rushing toward us. They help Vegas unload Marco while I wake the little girl. “Hey there.” I smooth her blonde hair out of her dirt streaked face.
She opens her eyes slowly looking up at me. I notice for the first time she has pretty green eyes. She is definitely American. I don’t know why or how she had gotten in the place she was in. She shies away for me at first until she realizes that I’m the one who saved her. Her little arms reach out for me and I take her holding her close as I exit the chopper.
“What the hell Ty?” Tango bellows.
“Don’t start with me man. I’ll explain everything later.” I say walking toward the building.
“What the hell happened? How the hell did William get away this time?”
The little girl buries her face in my chest. Tango is scaring her and I don’t like it. “I said I would explain everything later.” I make my way inside the base to the infirmary. Dr. Bailey is on duty. I immediately sat her on the small bed to be checked out.
“Where the hell did she come from?” Tango grumbles.
“She was there in the middle of the woods alone. Don’t ask me how or why I don’t know.” I respond.
“What the hell are we supposed to do with her?”
“I thought you were in San Francisco?” I ignore his question.
“I was, until I got a call informing me that William wasn’t captured.”
“From who?”
“I don’t like people stepping on my fucking toes, Tango.”
“Don’t get all pissy Ty. They were his orders, report back to me if William wasn’t captured. I knew you would run after William and I didn’t know when the hell I would hear from you again. Hell I’m surprised you are even here.”
“I thought about going after him.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“William was tipped off, Tango.”
“From who?”
“I don’t know, but he knew we were coming. He wasn’t even there.”
“Give the kid to Maggie. Then get your ass in my office.”
I give a stiff nod and Tango walks out. The little girl is sitting quietly on the bed while Dr. Bailey checks her out. “All looks well. She is malnourished. I’m going to give her an IV. You can come back later if you want.”
The little girl starts to cry when Dr. Bailey pokes the IV in her small little arm. “You will be okay, Dr. Bailey is just making you feel better. I have to go for a few minutes. I won’t be long okay.”
She latches onto my hand not wanting to let go. Dr. Bailey gives her a lollipop. The little girl takes it reluctantly. I pat her on the head reassuring her that I will be back to get her. “She will be fine Ty. I’ll see that Maggie comes in and stays with her until you get back.”
“I won’t be long.” I tell the little girl.
She nods her head with tears in her eyes. I smile at her giving her one last pat on the head. I make my way to Tango’s makeshift office. Not knocking on the door, I barge in.
“Ty. I want all the details. I want to know how the hell William got away. I want to know why the hell you came back with a kid. Who the hell does she belong to?”
“William wasn’t even there. His men were though. I searched every damn building there. Someone tipped him off. He knew we were coming. As far as the little girl, I don’t know why or how she got there. Maybe she was a diversion I don’t know. I know just as much as you do.”
“Which is very damn little. How the hell can we be in the dark on this one? I thought you said your Intel knew where the hell he was going to be?”
“They did or at least I thought they did. They are reliable. I trust them, they haven’t been wrong before which brings me back to the question. Do we have a leak? Someone warned him, Tango. They had to have. There’s no other way he knew we were coming.”
“Shit!” Tango kicks the chair.
“It’s going to take me months to get back on his trail.” I inform Tango.
“No shit. We spent endless of hours tracking him down the first time.”
“I need to talk to my guys. I need to find out who they have talked to.”
“No. You are going to go to Aruba.”
“What the fuck man?”
“It’s not up for discussion.”
“Tango. Why the hell are you sending me to Aruba?”
“I have another case there and this guy is a piece of work.”
“Why the hell are you taking me off William? You know I want him as bad as you do?”
“Ty. I will bring you back in, but for right now I need you on this case.”
What a shitty way of telling me that I fucked up and he can’t use me. I know going to Aruba is just a way to get me off the damn case. “This is bull shit and you know it.”
“Get some rest. You leave tomorrow.”
“What about the kid?”
“I’ll send for Cassie.”
“You’re going to hand her over to child services?”
“Got a better idea?”
“Let Maggie keep her until I get back.”
“What’s with you and this kid? You don’t even know her name. I’m guessing.”
“She could have some information we can use.” I’m not sure if she does, but there’s something about her that makes me protective.
Tango thinks on this for a moment. “Fine. We will question her while you’re gone.”
“No. Wait until I get back. She doesn’t trust anyone else.”
“Are there any other request you have?” Tango spits sarcastically.
I want so much right now to punch Tango in the head, but I know he will send my ass a lot farther than Aruba if I do. “Where’s the file on this guy?” I say ignoring him.
“Here,” he slings it across the desk to me, “his name is Vancard. He is one tough son of a bitch, that’s why I put you on him. Go in, get him and bring him back. It’s that simple, Ty. I know if anyone can do it it’s you.”
I skim through the file taking out a picture of him. Even in the picture this guy carries an essence that tells you he is no one to mess with. “Give me three days.”
“You got it. One more thing, Ty. He has Braxton on his side.”
“Braxton? I though he was dead?”
“No. If you read on it explains everything.”
I tuck the photo of Vancard back in the file, tucking it under my arm. “See you in three days.” I say walking out.
Tango nods. Aruba is a hell of a long way from the damn jungle, which is where we are currently at. I haven’t been home in months and it’s about damn time for a vacation. I’m getting too damn old for this shit. I haven’t had a good home cooked meal in a long time. I want to buy a damn dog, sit back, relax and have a damn beer on my own back porch.
Making my way to the infirmary where the little girl still is. I wonder how she got along with Maggie. Maggie is an older woman who have been with us for years. She is well into her sixties and sweet as she can be. Walking in the little girl looks up from her coloring books. Maggie must have gave them to her. She smiles showing all her teeth when
she sees me.
“She won’t talk.” Maggie informs me.
“Maybe she can’t talk.”
“I’m not sure Ty. Maybe you can get her to. She seems to like you.”
“I got her for a little while. You can take a break.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. Go get some coffee.”
“Okay.” Maggie pats me on the arm as she walks out.
Chapter 2
“Hi. Did Maggie give you these?” I ask the little girl. She nods her head yes continuing to color. “What’s your name?” She looks up at me her big green eyes dim shrugging her shoulders. I don’t push her, I know she has had a traumatic ordeal. “I have to go away for a few days. You can stay with Maggie until I get back. Is that okay?”
The little girl shakes her head no and leaps in my arms hugging my neck tightly. I hold her for a few minutes. Dr. Bailey comes over checking on the IV’s in her arm. “Sweetie Ty will be back okay. You can stay with Maggie. She is a really nice person. You two will have lots of fun and before you know it Ty will be back.”
She sniffs in my neck and I feel her warm tears soak through my shirt. I pat her back awkwardly. I really don’t know what to do with a crying child. This little girl has taken to me only because I saved her or at least I think that’s the reason. I don’t have time to ask her all the questions I need to. Hopefully Maggie can get her to come around. Dr. Bailey walks over sitting on the bed beside us. He looks just as concerned as I feel. I don’t know what to do with her. I Hold her for a few more moments then pry her arms from around my neck.
“I will be back. I promise.” She burst out crying harder and it rips at my heart.
“Hey it will be okay. Come on we can go find Maggie. You know she has a granddaughter about your age. Would you like to have a friend to play with?” Dr. Bailey tries to soothe her.
She shakes her head yes. I feel relief wash over me. “Hey. When I get back maybe we can go to the zoo.” I have no damn idea what the hell I’m even saying, but it is worth a try to get her to calm down. “Have you ever been to the zoo?” She shakes her head no sniffing.